When I think about my ideal relationship with the Qu’ran I envision being in a constant state of peace and tranquility. I imagine that with any obstacle I face, and any enjoyment I have, I can think of an ayah that relates to what I am going through.
I imagine that the Qu’ran would be my ultimate guide, that nothing else could fulfil me like it. There are many times in my day-to-day life where I’m so overcome with anxiety and fear, and I know that it doesn’t have to be that way, because I have the advice, structure and help right there in front of me.
My ideal relationship would be that I would be fluent in Arabic and able to understand exactly what’s being recited. That it can touch my heart in the exact form that it came down. I imagine that all of my prayers would feel sincere, and I would look forward to the next one. If I had a better relationship with the Qu’ran, I know I would pray a lot more, not just do the bare minimum.
I would pray and cry my eyes out to Allah, because I understand the depths of what I’ve been blessed to know and understand.
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